Don’t Let The Procrastination Beast Stop You

Kjell Vandevyvere
2 min readMar 16, 2021


This is an atomic essay about the procrastination beast.

Design by @OzolinsJanis

It’s Monday morning and you’ve just woken up.

You decided not to check Twitter before noon. But, you know, it’s early and you’re tired. It feels too soon to start work and there’s nothing much to do. The procrastination beast sneaks into your bedroom…

Even though you didn’t want to, you open the bird app anyway. “Just to check your messages”.

Before you know, you’re hooked. An hour goes by, you realise you should get started but the procrastination beast has taken control.Let’s make breakfast first. Another quick look on Twitter. I should clean the kitchen. Any new notifications? Let’s update today’s to-do list. Oh, I haven’t checked today’s metrics yet.

You feel reluctant about longer tasks. The potential bad results scare you. Instead, the procrastination beast leads you to easy dopamine from social approval and simple actions.

The best remedy against the procrastination beast is a good night of sleep and a fresh start. But mind you, the beast will lurk around the corner again. Prepare yourself.

  1. Plan short, easy tasks. Create a clear workflow and always have a milestone in sight.
  2. Start small. What’s the smallest step to get started? Get out of bed and leave your phone behind, for example.
  3. Make a mindset shift. Think about your tasks as things you “get to do”, not “have to do”.

You get to write a new piece of content. Can you imagine how many people would love to do this for a living?

Don’t let the procrastination beast control you again tomorrow.

If you liked this short essay about procrastination, please give me some love on Twitter.



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